Dif­fer­ence between Sen­sex and Nifty

Basi­cally these are indexes which act as barom­e­ters of the stock mar­ket. In a nut shell, it tells about the per­for­mance of major­ity of traded stocks.


Dif­fer­ence between Sen­sex and Nifty

In India there are two major stock exchanges, Bom­bay Stock Exchange ( BSE) and National Stock Exchange ( NSE).

The index of the BSE is called as Sen­sex and the index of NSE is called as Nifty. The dif­fer­ence between BSE and NSE is they both are dif­fer­ent stock exchanges.

BSE building1) Sen­sex – It is pop­u­larly cal­led as BSE Sen­sex or BSE Sen­si­tive Index. It is India's Oldest Stock Exchange with listing of over 4000 scripts with it. This not fully automated yet but progress towards full automation is underway. SENSEX is major index of BSE and it comprise of 30 of the largest and most actively-traded stocks on the BSE.

NSE building2) Nifty – It is popularly called as NSE Nifty. It has more than 2000 stocks from different sectors listed with it. It is fully automated electronic order processing exchange. Nifty is major index of NSE and it comprises of 50 scripts from different sectors.

The 30 stocks that are included in the Sen­sex, pro­vide a sam­ple of the entire mar­ket. To elab­o­rate, the 30 stocks that are included are a sam­ple. It rep­re­sents the total effect of all the stocks that are listed in the BSE.

Sim­i­larly, Nifty is the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of all the stocks listed in the NSE. It com­prises of 50 shares.

The dif­fer­ence between Sen­sex and Nifty is they are dif­fer­ent indexes which mea­sure the per­for­mance of the stock market.


Sen­sex & Nifty has gone up — What does that mean

Often one comes across the news — Sen­sex has gone up by 100 points and Nifty has gone up by 50 points. This basi­cally means on an aver­age the 30 shares in BSE and 50 Shares in NSE have per­formed well. Indi­vid­ual stock prices should have increased and decreased. But major­ity of the stock prices in the list of 30 for BSE and 50 for NSE have increased.

Israel-Palestine Issue

Geography: Israel, Palestine, Gaza

Any discussion on this topic is useless, unless and until you know the map of region like the back of your hand.

Map Israel, Gaza


A patch of land between Israel and Jordan.


City located within Palestine region, it is the sacred place for Christians, Muslims and Jews.Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel, (although not recognized by some countries).

Tel Aviv

Second largest city after Jerusalem.


Name of Israel’s parliament.


Spy agency of Israel. Just like CIA of USA.

What is imperialism?

  • When a country establishes its economic and political dominance over other nations- it is known as imperialism.
  • There are many ways to achieve imperialism: one of them is colonialism- that is what Britishers did in India and Africa. Colonialism means practice of acquiring colonies by conquest (war) or purchase or any other thuggery and making them dependent on your home country (UK).
  • After end of Second World War, most of the colonies achieved independence. But nowadays the powerful nations such as US and China, colonize poor countries via providing financial aids, weapons to kill opposing sects/tribes, installing puppet regime etc. this is known as Neo-Colonialism.
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