BRICS Summit 2012 key Highlights :
* Countering Piracy;
* Countering Terrorism;
* Growth and trade enhancement in BRICS countries;
* Development of Infrastructure in BRICS region;
* Experience sharing in order to resolve troubles originating from urbanisation.
* Equitable and fair distribution of income;
* For WB President's post, supporting a candidate from developing nation;
* Jobs creation and skill development;
* Mutual collaboration for stabilization of Afghanistan;
* Prioritizing food, water and energy security solutions;
* Reforms in UNSC, WB, IMF through increase in representation from developing nations;
* Revitalize WTO's Doha Round;
* Solution to problems in Iran, North Africa and Syria, West Asia via diaglogue and UN;
*** BRICS nations sign pacts to trade in local currency:
* 5 Banks of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
inked 2 pacts:-
1. Master Agreement on Extending Credit Facility in Local Currency;
2. BRICS Multilateral Letter of Credit Confirmation Facility Agreement.
This is a combined attempt to address with problems of a jolting
world economy hit by sovereign debt crisis in many European
countries and protectionist propensities of some developed countries. The development banks of BRICS inked a master agreement on extending credit facilities in the local currency and the BRICS multilateral letter of credit confirmation facility agreement.
* Countering Piracy;
* Countering Terrorism;
* Growth and trade enhancement in BRICS countries;
* Development of Infrastructure in BRICS region;
* Experience sharing in order to resolve troubles originating from urbanisation.
* Equitable and fair distribution of income;
* For WB President's post, supporting a candidate from developing nation;
* Jobs creation and skill development;
* Mutual collaboration for stabilization of Afghanistan;
* Prioritizing food, water and energy security solutions;
* Reforms in UNSC, WB, IMF through increase in representation from developing nations;
* Revitalize WTO's Doha Round;
* Solution to problems in Iran, North Africa and Syria, West Asia via diaglogue and UN;
*** BRICS nations sign pacts to trade in local currency:
* 5 Banks of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
inked 2 pacts:-
1. Master Agreement on Extending Credit Facility in Local Currency;
2. BRICS Multilateral Letter of Credit Confirmation Facility Agreement.
This is a combined attempt to address with problems of a jolting
world economy hit by sovereign debt crisis in many European
countries and protectionist propensities of some developed countries. The development banks of BRICS inked a master agreement on extending credit facilities in the local currency and the BRICS multilateral letter of credit confirmation facility agreement.