Cost Benefit Analysis should not be the sole consideration, while deciding to host events like Commonwealth Games

‎(Civil Services Exam 2010- 150 words)

“Cost Benefit Analysis should not be the sole consideration, while deciding to host events like Commonwealth Games”.Critically comment on this prospective.

* India was the host of commonwealth games in 2010. The cost that the country incurred to host this event was about more than rupees one lakh crores. This gave birth to a debate that a developing country like India where there is acute paucity of resources for the developmental goals was an event like this justifiable?

* On the other if we minutely consider the issue it’s a fact that Cost Benefit analysis is a parochial way to estimate the events of this kind. Since in the classical Cost Benefit analysis various intangible factors like increase in the prestige of the country, the rise of India as a soft power, development of infrastructure of Delhi and surrounding areas, increase in the civic sense, traffic sense and awareness of the citizens and moreover the environmental issue are not taken into account thus Cost Benefit Analysis should not be the sole consideration to decide about the events of such kind.

* It’s true that Cost benefit analysis has some limitations when the social,environmental and human factors come into the picture but on this pretext the economy and effectiveness should not be compromised.
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