LASER and its Application

Q. LASER and its Application ?

* Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
* It is an device that produces an intense, coherent, monochromatic and highly directional beam.
* It can be transmitted over great distance without being spread.
* The light beam can be intense enough to vaporize the hardest and most heat resistant material.
* It mainly consists of 3 components namely
>the active medium
> the pumping source and
> the optical resonator.

* laser is capable of generating radiation in the infrared, visible, UV or even X-ray region of electro-magnetic radiation.

* there are various classes of laser namely optical laser, gas laser, semi-conductor laser, nuclear laser etc. The principle of all these classes is same i.e. Allowing the electrons to rise to higher energy levels(excited state) by absorbing energy.


1. Communication. Due to highly directional nature, optical exhibit great compatibility with fibre optics.
2. Computers. Laser can be used in manufacturing of integrated chip by writing on silicon chips.
3. Nuclear Science. Isolation and enrichment of Uranium can be made most effective and economical by using lasers.
4. Medical. The precision of laser surgery has been a major advantage for delicate operation like heart-bypass surgery.
5. Defence. Laser is used to find the target and to measure the range of target accurately thus enabling first hit capability. Etc etc.

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