National Population Policy

National Population Policy was announced in the year 2000. The policy took note of the fact that the growth in population was due to the large size of the population in the reproductive age, high fertility due to inadequate availability of contraception, high wanted fertility due to high infant mortality rates and most of the girls marrying below the age of 18. 

Some of the important objectives of the policy were as under: 

* Provide contraception facilities and health care infrastructure with emphasis on basic reproductive and child health care.

* Access to information of birth limitation methods and availability of totally free choice to citizens for planning their families.

* Bring TFR to the replacement levels by 2010.

* Achieve a stable population by 2045.

* Reduce infant mortality rate to below 30 per 1000 live births.

* Reduce maternal mortality ratio to below 100 per 100,000 live births.

* Promote delayed marriage for girls not earlier than age of 18 and preferably after the age of 20.

* Universalisation of primary education and reduction in the drop out rates at primary and secondary levels to below 20% both for boys and girls.

* Support to be provided to state governments as per requirement and availability of infrastructure.

* Involvement of Panchayati Raj institutions for coordination among activities of different agencies, supervision of health care related infrastructure like Primary Health Centre and Aanganwadis and ensuring community participation.

* The policy projected population of the country on March, 2011 to be 117.89 crores.
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